The situation now. February
After the regional elections in which the Revolution
won a landslide victory over the opposition, win 80 % of mayors across the
country, the National Assembly constitutionally empowered President Nicolas
Maduro to legislate in economic matters and began to implement measures against
speculation, grabbing some food and basic goods basket; economic war waged by
the far right in coordination with big business and monopolies and
international actors. The government started a political dialogue with the opposition,
take measures against the smuggling of food with regulated price to Colombia
through border states, especially the Táchira State. The coup is a blow to
the dialogue, enabling law (same thing happened in 2003) and to the smuggling mafias combat.
Elvis Rafael
Durán de La Rosa, 29 years old, died when he tried to pass on his bike a
barricade placed by fascist murderers and vandals opposition supporters
Leopoldo López, and was surprised by a stretched Steel wire not visualized in
Romulo Gallegos Avenue, at the upper middle class
neighborhood,"Horizonte", Caracas...
Since January 23th of this year Leopoldo Lopez (1), Maria Corina Machado (2) and Mayor Antonio Ledezma (3), called to lack the the institutions, laws and the legitimate government with a speech clearly violent. They began attacking a delegation of athletes, the Cuban baseball team that were participating at the Caribbean Series in Nueva Esparta State, an action from every point of view and despicable and fascist...
Fire during siege of informative TV channel VTV. Every night this television station is besieged with shots molotv stones and bombs.
On February 6th violence began in the city of San
Cristobal, with attacks on the residence of the governor of the state, this
residence work as center of attention for children and adults with
disabilities. There were burning vehicles, firearms attacks the population with
weapons and destroyed public infrastructure. Táchira was strategically selected
to restart the continued putsch among other reasons: 1 The former governor,
Ávila Vivas, radical political opposite, during his administration was
denounced by sowing in the state paramilitary groups, hitman and Colombian drug
trafficking. 2 Táchira Current mayor, who is member of the minority political
party led by Leopoldo Lopez, who has close ties with former Colombian President
Alvaro Uribe and also was in Mexico meeting Uribe, Otto Reich and possibly
members of the Mexican drug trafficking; where they took hundreds of young
Venezuelans to form in destabilization tactics and asymmetric warfare. 3
Economic Groups, mafias and right-wing politicians handle the
business of smuggling into Colombia. Because the government took strong
measures against smuggling and supply bleeds the economy of our country, the
wrath of the mafia traffickers come on.
Leopoldo López folower (paramilitary?) Guns inocentess people. San Critobal, Táchira State.
On February 12th Leopoldo López called for a march to General's
Attorney Office with the pretext of asking for release of detained protesters
in violence at Táchira, but the background of that call was move to another
phase of the putsch and violence. So the march ended in vandalism that left General's
Attorney Office destroyed with bullets, stones and bottles , 6 police cars
burned and caused the death of three people.
So it has been over a week of irrational and
uncontrolled violence in small pockets of Caracas mainly on eastern suburbs of
this city where live upper-middle class people, and other cities of the country,
especially in San Cristóba that is a paramilitary operations center of the
opposition. Public infrastructure has been attacked, Subway, bank robberies and
fire agencies, attacks on publics schools, violent-vandal siege to the plant
Information VTV television , attacks with firearms to cooperative social
centers, kidnapping public transport units burn them and the unfortunate death
until at least 9 people and injured hundreds until now.
Opponents in Táchira represent decapitated Chavez followers. As are well know they are typical Mexican drug actions.
these actions of destabilization are underpinned and accompanied , as in 2002, with
fierce media campaign by mainly international media, as CNN, ABC and El País of
Spain , Miami Herald and others. They usualy manipulate images , even going to
use images of the events in Greece , Egypt , Ukraine and other as if they were
in Venezuela. That media information monopoly obscuring most Venezuelans,
regardless of their ideological sign that reject violence and vandalism. Presents
these Vandals as peaceful students, always trying to encourage foreign
intervention. The same tactics and strategies applied in Libya , Syria , Ukraine and
others, the color revolutions…
Red outbreaks of extreme violence in yellow pockets of low violence. Only in areas of 14 municipalities of the 335's in Venezuela.
Among the strategies is to show a reality completely alien to the truth and present reality what happen in Venezuela. The violent incidents are not widespread in our country but concentrated permanently in just 14 of 335 municipalities across the country (It is noteworthy that these few municipalities where violence is unleashed by Mayors who belong to the party leader of Voluntad Popular Leopoldo López. Most Venezuelans, regardless of their political position, rejects violence as a mood of political demand in a democracy. Media such as CNN, ABC and El País from Spain or Miami Herald have spread images and videos that correspond to situations in other countries (Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine and others), oblivious to what happens here. Convey false news in the world and when they are discovered in their blatant lies rectified in some cases, but the media damage is done.
Among the strategies is to show a reality completely alien to the truth and present reality what happen in Venezuela. The violent incidents are not widespread in our country but concentrated permanently in just 14 of 335 municipalities across the country (It is noteworthy that these few municipalities where violence is unleashed by Mayors who belong to the party leader of Voluntad Popular Leopoldo López. Most Venezuelans, regardless of their political position, rejects violence as a mood of political demand in a democracy. Media such as CNN, ABC and El País from Spain or Miami Herald have spread images and videos that correspond to situations in other countries (Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine and others), oblivious to what happens here. Convey false news in the world and when they are discovered in their blatant lies rectified in some cases, but the media damage is done.
Arturo Martinez was clearing
debris left by vandals of opposition in front of the Fermín Toro University
(Barquisimeto City) when was murdered with bullets by LEOPOLDO LOPEZ followers,
from a building. He was cleaning debris to go through with his vehicle.
The Venezuelan government has acted within the
framework of our constitution and laws, respecting the constitutional and human
rights. Likewise continues calling to maintain dialogue with the opposition and
reject violence. Most Venezuelans express rejected this violence and against the
state of siege that criminals to impose in our country. The Municipio
Libertador in Caracas, the largest and most populated municipality on the
capital was declared “Territory of peace
and free of fascism”. Equally revolutionary forces remain on alert and
conscious to counteract, if necessary, the escalating violence of the extreme
right against Venezuelan, democracy and its people.
Facade of the Attorney General of the Republic, destroyed with bullets, stones and bottles. By the time of the attack hundreds of workers of the institution were inside it.
It is important recount the history of the most important fascist actions staged by the same sinister bloke of the ultra right Venezuelan Leopoldo Lopez, Maria Corina Machado , minority opposition parties, media and the USA Department of State:
April 2002 putsch against President Hugo Chavez and repealed the constitution, laws and government. This fact is well documented and international knowledge that left more than 20 dead.
December 2002 - January 2003 Industrial
and oil shutdown. After
the setback they had in April of this year, thanks to the popular and civil-military
revolt that restored the constitutionality; entrepreneurship, bourgeoisie, minority
right political parties and media monopolies started total war shortages of
food, medicine, fuel, etc. during more than a month. Venezuelans were subjected
to hunger, inability to move freely, to
the exclusion of health services among others. Parallel Opponents of right carried
on vandalism and extreme violence against the Venezuelan citizens. These events
left five Venezuelans killed and hundreds injured.
2004 "Guarimbas". Violent actions against defenseless citizens.
Typically developed like fascist and paramilitary tactics: attacking citizens in
their homes and in residential areas and then lightning shares retreated and
hid. The far-right political factors in connection with Alvaro Uribe, who was
then president of Colombia on that moment, infiltrated 150 Colombian
paramilitaries Caracas . Security agencies broke up the paramilitaries before
they caused a tragedy of major proportions. These events left a dozen of Venezuelans
April 2013 Presidential
Election. Because the death
of President Hugo Chavez, were convened early elections. The candidate Capriles
was defeated and ignored the elections claiming fraud (which has not still
presented evidence) and called to the violence. 11 Venezuelans were killed in
two days; all supporters of the revolution, including a girl and a boy.
Cowardly actions against defenseless people, typical of fascists: attacks popular
health centers, public’s schools, centers for elderly people and Venezuelan
humble residences humble.
2) Maria Corina Machado. A descendant of one of the richest families
in Venezuela and handle large monopolies. Founder of an organization is
popularly considered like criminal “SUMATE” linked to agencies of the USA Department of State.
Also has very close ties with the Bushs presidents, father and son , even as
President George Busch came to receive it in the White House and constantly
seeking the U.S. military intervention in Venezuela .
3) Antonio Ledezma. Politician
of the IV Republic , dark period in the history of Venezuela: corruption,
exclusion of the majority, extreme poverty and delivery of transnational
sovereignty. Pupil of President Carlos Andrés Pérez, corrupt and murderer, both
responsible for the deaths of 3000 people during the "Caracazo". As
mayor during the IV Republic was responsible for the deaths of dozens of
students. He is currently metropolitan mayor, where he has been playing poor
management and is dedicated to travel to USA to meet with the most reactionary
of the country, Israel, which on several occasions has been received by
Benjamin Netanyahu and Spain where he constantly performs conclaves with José
María Aznar and the PP.
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